publishing services - Self Publishing Service

Self Publishing Service

The market has opened presenting more opportunities for authors, writers, and business professionals to take control of their projects and turn their books into a reality. For this precise reason, we have introduced our TJ Ink self-publishing services.

This is an ideal service if you want to print the books yourself, with you controlling marketing, distribution or placing into local book shops. We will allocate a Business Development Manager to guide you through the whole process, no matter your prior knowledge of print or book production we are here to help. In partnership with our approved supplier Logical Choice Group, we will help you create a book cover, typeset, layout, design and manufacture, guiding you through the whole process every step of the way to ensure your vision is turned into a reality. With some extra help and advice on finishes or production routes which will enhance your final printed book.

If you are an individual looking to print a book, Contact us with an enquiry using TJ INK and we will help you on your book production journey.


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